1. .NET Framework architecture
- The role of the Common Language Runtime (CLR) and core
.NET Framework classes
- Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)
- Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation
- Assemblies, native assemblies, and the Global Assembly
Cache (GAC)
- Comparison of VB.NET, C#, and J#
- Differences between Vb 1 and VB 2.0
2. Introducing Windows Forms
- Creating a Windows Application
- Setting and Adding Properties to a Windows Form
- Using Visual Inheritance
- Event Handling
- Building graphical interface elements by using the
System.Drawing namespace
- Working with images
3. Controls
- Adding Controls to a Windows Form
- Adding Controls using Windows Forms Designer
- Important common properties of controls
- Configuring the order of tabs
- Handling Control Events
- Dialog Boxes
- Common Windows Forms Controls
- Creating Menu and Menu Items
- Creating Multiple-Document Interface (MDI) Applications
4. Exceptions
- What is an exception?
- Handling Exceptions
- Custom Exceptions
- Managing Unhandled Exception
- User Input Validation
5. Creating and Managing Components and .NET Assemblies
- Creating and Managing .NET Components
- Creating and Managing .NET Assemblies
6. Data Binding
- Bind Data to the UI
- Complex Data Binding
- One-Way and Two-Way Data Binding
- The BindingContext and CurrencyManager Classes
- Using the Data Form Wizard
- Transform and Filter Data
- Using Server Explorer
- Filtering Data
7. Consuming and Manipulating Data
- Access and Manipulate SQL Server data
- Using Stored Procedures
- Access and Manipulate Data
- The ADO.NET Object Model
- Using DataSets
- Editing Data with ADO.NET
- Using XML Data
- Handle Data Errors
8. Web Services
- Understanding Web services
- Disco and UDDI
- Invoking your first Web service
- Creating Web services
- Discovering Web services
- Disco and UDDI
9. Testing and Debugging a Web Application
- Testing
- Tracing
- Debugging
10. Working with Legacy Code
- Using ActiveX Controls
- Using COM Components
- Using COM+ Components
- Using Platform Invoke
11. Testing and Debugging a Windows Application
- Testing
- Creating a Test Plan
- Executing Tests
- Unit Testing
- Integration Testing
- Regression Testing
- Testing International Applications
- Tracing
- Debugging
12. Deploying a Windows-based Application
- Deployment Tools
- Deploying a Windows application
- Customizing a Setup Project
- Shared Assemblies
- Creating Installation Components
- URL Remoting
- Methods of Deployment
- Windows Logo Programs