Java For Kids

JUDO is a Java educational tool for Children and Beginning Programmers. JUDO is also an used to teach programming concepts and to spark excitement and interest in programming.

Installing Java and JUDO

Install Java
install JUDO
start Judo inside JUDO folder folder
double click on "run.bat",

or right click on the file and drag to the desktop and select "Create Shortcut here". Then re-name the shortcut අස "JUDO".

To learn how to use JUDO, click on JUDO's Help menu, and select "How to use JUDO".

Start JUDO.

Start by writing in the top text box

void main() {


This is the core inside which we start to program. Every program must go inside a void main() method which is followed by curly brackets { }

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017