Controlling the Window

To create a GUI style window, you will add control items to your GBFrame such as input/output boxes (called fields), labels, buttons and more.

You control the layout of a window by imagining a grid superimposed over the window. The grid can contain as many cells as needed.


While most controls occupy only one cell, it is possible for a control to span several cells. In this window, the "Compute Ounces" button spans cells (3,1) and (3,2).

While most controls occupy only one cell, it is possible for a control to span several cells. In this window, the "Compute Ounces" button spans cells (3,1) and (3,2).

//Sample Program

//Using BreezyGUI

import java.awt.*;

import BreezyGUI.*;

public class OuncesPounds extends GBFrame


Label poundsLabel = addLabel ("Pounds",1,1,1,1);

Label ouncesLabel = addLabel ("Ounces",2,1,1,1);

DoubleField poundsField = addDoubleField (0 ,1,2,1,1);

DoubleField ouncesField = addDoubleField (0 ,2,2,1,1);

Button poundsButton = addButton ("Compute Pounds",3,1,1,1);

Button ouncesButton = addButton ("Compute Ounces", 3,2,1,1);

public void buttonClicked (Button buttonObj)


double pounds, ounces;

if (buttonObj == ouncesButton)


pounds = poundsField.getNumber();

ounces = 16 * pounds;






ounces = ouncesField.getNumber();






public static void main (String[ ] args)


Frame frm = new OuncesPounds ();

frm.setSize (250, 150);

frm.setVisible (true);



(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017