Java Coding Style
The indentations keep the code clearly visible and easy to read.
//printing a message on the screen
//notice the format of the code
public class HelloClass
     public static void main (String[ ] args)
          System.out.println ("Hello, Java world!");
          System.out.println ("I plan to be a Java expert!");
Case sensitivity: Most Java code is written in smaller case and ALL reserved words (such as "if") MUST be written in smaller case.

Comments: In Java, comments may be expressed in different forms.
The comments beginning with // are single line comments.
The comments enclosed within /* and */ are used for longer comments that wrap around a line.

Blank Space: The compiler ignores extra blanks between words and symbols. Blank lines between lines of code are also ignored.
(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017