Convert 125 from decimal to binary | |
Convert 96 from decimal to binary | |
Convert 10011 from binary to decimal | |
In 'C', an unsigned integer is usually 16 bits. What is the largest number that can be represented by an unsigned integer? | |
Convert 37 to binary, shift it left by one and convert back to decimal. What is the result |
Hexadecimal, Octal, Bits, Bytes and Words.
Convert 2000 from decimal to hexadecimal | |
Convert 3C from hexadecimal to decimal | |
Convert 1010 0111 1011 from binary to hexadecimal | |
Convert 7D0 from hexadecimal to binary | |
If you shift a hexadecimal number to the left by one digit, how many times larger is the resulting number? |
Binary Representation of positive integers
Convert 1101 1101 from binary to decimal | |
Convert 0010 0010 from binary to decimal | |
Convert -120 from decimal to binary | |
In 'C', a signed integer is usually 16 bits. What is the largest positive number that can be represented? | |
What is the largest negative number that can be represented? |
Signed Binary Integers
Convert 0.100 1001 from binary to decimal | |
Convert 0.111 1111 from binary to decimal | |
Convert 0.75 from decimal to a binary fraction | |
Convert 0.65625 from decimal to a binary fraction | |
Approximate 0.9 as a binary fraction (use 8 bits) |
Convert 1.100 1001 from binary to decimal | |
Convert 1.111 1111 from binary to decimal | |
Convert -0.75 from decimal to a binary fraction | |
Convert -0.65625 from decimal to a binary fraction | |
Approximate -0.9 as a binary fraction (use 8 bits) |