binary addition algorithm

binary addition algorithm

0110 1110
0001 0111
0110 1110
0001 0111
0110 1110
0001 0111
0110 1110
0001 0111
   1 110
0110 1110
0001 0111
  11 110
0110 1110
0001 0111
0 0101
 111 110
0110 1110
0001 0111
00 0101
1111 110
0110 1110
0001 0111
000 0101
01111 110
0110 1110
0001 0111
1000 0101

The carry out of the left column in the final sum can be discarded, in this case.

But in general you must be careful with it. See the following pages.

Check the answer by converting to decimal representation and doing the addition in that base (the same numbers are being added, but now represented in a different way, so the sum is the same.)

01111 110
0110 1110 = 110 (base 10)
+ 0001 0111 = 23 (base 10)
--------- -----
1000 0101 = 133 (base 10)

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017