Binary and Hex Representation

1. Change the representation of 10102 from base two to base ten.

A.    810
B.    910
C.    1010
D.    1110
E.    1210
F.    1410

2. What number goes in the empty cell of the table:

Power of 2 6 5 43 2 1 0
Decimal ???? 32 168 4 2 1

A.    34
B.    48
C.    60
D.    64
E.    68
F.    72

3. Change the representation of 1000102 from base two to base ten.

A.    14
B.    28
C.    32
D.    34
E.    46
F.    52

4. Change the representation of 0000 11112 from base two to base ten. (Hint: you should get this instantly.)

A.    6
B.    7
C.    12
D.    15
E.    16
F.    31

5. Change the representation of 0011 11002 from base two to base ten. (Hint: use your previous answer.)

A.    14
B.    28
C.    32
D.    60
E.    64
F.    72

6. Say that you are using unsigned binary to represent integers with 6 bits. What range of integers can be represented?

A.    0 to 64
B.    1 to 64
C.    0 to 63
D.    1 to 128
E.    0 to 255
F.    1 to 247

7. Change the representation of A516 from base sixteen to base ten.

A.    46
B.    165
C.    232
D.    245
E.    305
F.    1025

8. Here is a number represented in base 16 notation: 5A3F. Write the number in unsigned binary notation.

A.    0101 1010 0011 1111
B.    1111 0011 1010 1001
C.    1100 1000 0111 1111
D.    1010 1001 0011 1000
E.    1011 0001 0000 1110
F.    1110 1011 1011 1001

9. Convert the representation of the following from base 16 to base 8: 0x37A.

A.    011 111 1010
B.    0772
C.    001 101 111 010
D.    1572
E.    8214
F.    7426

10. Represent 2710 in base 2.

Algorithm: Convert a number
from base 10 to base B repn
place  = 0;
number = number to be converted
while (number > 0 )
  digit[place] = number mod B ; 
  number       = number div B ;
  place        = place + 1 ;

A.    101101
B.    10110
C.    1011
D.    11011
E.    101101
F.    100110


11. Convert 3045 from base 5 to base 10.

A.    15
B.    23
C.    27
D.    32
E.    79
F.    83

12. Convert 3045 from base 5 to base 2 (use your previous answer).

A.    1100 1001
B.    0110 0100
C.    0010 1000
D.    1000 1100
E.    1010 1011
F.    0100 1111

13. Write the unsigned binary number 0010 1110 in hexadecimal representation

A.    0232
B.    2F
C.    3E
D.    07
E.    2E
F.    FF

14. Write the unsigned binary number 000 101 110 in octal representation.

A.    022
B.    023
C.    013
D.    122
E.    056
F.    023

15. Write the unsigned binary number 000 101 110 in decimal representation.

A.    26
B.    46
C.    52
D.    64
E.    122
F.    131

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