Bits and Bit Patterns

1. How many patterns can be formed with a single bit?

A.    1
B.    2
C.    4
D.    8

2. How many patterns can be formed with three bits?

A.    1
B.    3
C.    8
D.    12

3. How many patterns can be formed from N bits?

A.    N
B.    N2
C.    2N
D.    2*N

4. What is 24 * 23?

A.    82
B.    26
C.    27
D.    212

5. How many bits are in a nibble?

A.    2
B.    4
C.    8
D.    16

6. What is the name for the bit pattern 0000 0010 ?

A.    0x0002
B.    0x02
C.    0xA0
D.    0x201

7. What is the name for the bit pattern 101010?

A.    0xA2
B.    0x222
C.    This pattern can not be named.
D.    0x2A

8. Say that you read that a particular computer "uses hexadecimal". What is being described?

A.    ...the fundamental hardware of the processor chip.
B.    ...a convention used in written documentation of the computer.
C.    ...the type of arithmetic carried out by the computer.
D.    ...the type of signals used on the computer's bus.

9. What is the name for the convention where bits are named in groups of three?

A.    Trinary
B.    Sextuple
C.    Tridecimal
D.    Octal

10. How many bytes are in a kilobyte?

A.    8
B.    1000
C.    1024
D.    4068

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