Lighting Equipment

The following is a list of commonly used equipment. There is a description of each piece of equipment following the list.


focusing instruments.
edges of the beam softer or
to cut off part of the beam to leave an area unlit by the use of shutters.

used generally for color washes.

the edges on ellipsoidal can be changed from harsh to soft



Fresnels are used generally for color washes. When these lights are used the beam can be changed by moving the light back and forwards on a track built into the light. The edge of the beam on the fresnel is always soft where as the edges on ellipsoidal can be changed from harsh to soft.

scoop is a flood light. These lights are a very good way to provide a full light setting for the stage with a small number of lights.


Par Cans
A par can gives a broad, general beam of light and covers a wide area. Par cans are possibly the easiest lights to use and to work with. They are very light weight and easy to handle. They are also easy to focus. These lights are seen with many traveling shows and bands because of their durability.

Followspots are designed to follow an individual actor. These lights are used simply to give the actors mobility on stage.

Control Devices

Controllers for above lights.
control power
control level of brightness (dimmer)

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017