Lighting Diretion ආලොක දිශාව

Front Lighting
is used mostly for visibility and color. It is also used to isolate an individual person or set piece. Front lighting generally works better if placed at an angle between 30 to 50 degrees.

Side Lighting
The most common use of side lighting is effect. Side lighting is often used with bolder colors to accent movements and contrasting colors coming from the opposite sides.

Back Lighting Back lighting is often used to create depth on the stage. When used from low angles back lighting can also give a sense of a silhouette. One thing to remember when using back lighting is that the lights must be relaxing to the audience. If the lights are positioned into the eyes of the audience it will not be a pleasing experience. Back lighting is used along with side lighting back lighting is used for effect.

Down Lighting Down lighting is often used to create the illusion of depth. Down lighting also works very well to isolate one person from another.


Up Lighting is used in photography and movies, can be used in drama for showling imptional moments.

Background Lighting
Background lighting is a very bold style of lighting. It is brighter than the rest of the stage. It is a very powerful way to create a picture.

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017