Audience ප්‍රේක්‍ෂකයෝ

Audience decide if you're natural.
Audience is very sentimental, so remember that when you do your planning.

Audience want to see people off guard, not in control. People struggling against problems.

Audience reacts to individuals.

Audience should be alarmed by the story.

udience only barely listens, they watch, they see the story with their eyes.

Audience has to be constantly off balance, one way is change of rhythm.

Audience makes it conclusive, so never make a final statement.

Audience is the most important character.

Audience has to be lead to the edge; the unknown.

Audience has to be suspended, 'will he or won't he?'

Audience says that's what I had to go through, if you hit the right cords.

Audience has to see something more dreary than their lives.

Audience is moved by emotions, not ideas.
Audience can't laugh when they want.
Audience admire courage.

Audience does not understand hidden or small meaning in things.

Audience doesn't want to watch a quarrel.

Audience imagine more in their head than you can ever act out.

Audience get tired, you can't wear audience out. In other words, don't get the audience tired.

Audience has to be concerned by your problem.
Audience has to identify with the characters.

Audience has to respect the character.

Audience identification is what it's all about. It helps clarify our lives for us.

Audience is interested in behavior, not words or information.

Audience moved to tears, actors can't cry.

Audience wants a hero, not a down person. You can not depress the audience.

Audience is waiting for the punishment.

Audience loves to see great people come down.

Audience must know about character.

Audience sits there and watches your failures.

Audience understands and sympathize with character.

Audience wants suffering, they want to watch you suffer.

Audience wants worthy opponents.

Audience will only respond to feelings.
Audience's imagination is what you want to work, so take your time.

Audience lives in actor's imagination, he takes us into a dream.

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017