Four types of theater space
1. Procenium - “Picture frame type of theater”
2. Thrust - Three sides (sort of like a catwalk)
3. Arena - Circular
4. Created Found Space. (Any space that is out of the ordinary, i.e. parking lot, stairs, campground, shopping mall, etc.)
There are two types of theater seating in a Procenium theater:
1. Continental - Wide spread. Isles are found only on the sides.
2. American - Seating is narrow, and there is an isle up the middle as well as the sides.
(Both are raked seating. This means the seating is sloped up.) Other Procenium Terms That Can Be Found:
1 Apron - In front of procenium, covers orchestra pit. It is an extension of the stage.
2. Orchestra Pit – Area below the stage where the orchestra plays its music.
3. Fly Gallery - area where one raises & lowers drops.
4. Fly loft - area high above the stage were drops are stored.
5. Grid - Metal wires used to fly the drops & battens.
6. Batten - Metal pole in which drops and drakes are hung.
7. Counter Weight System - uses weights to ease the lowering and rising of fly material.
8. Rope lock - locks the ropes.
9. Stage drapes - curtains used to mask things behind the scene.
10. Grand Drape - Main curtain.
11. Grand valance - Hides top of procenium.
12. Legs - (Vertical - a drape that shields.)
13. Teasers - (Horizontal drapes used to hide battens, wires,etc.)
14. Sky Drop - Muslin or canvas for upstage. This was used for beauty.
15. Fire Curtain - If dropped it will separate the stage from the audience.
16. Green Room - Room where actors get ready.
17. Balcony - Seating above the floor.
Long ago, the stage itself used to be raked (sloped up) so that the people in the back could see the actors. That is where we get the following terms:
(Be sure all students physically understand the stage locations.)
Up Stage Right/Up Stage Center/Up Stage Left
Center Stage Right/ Center Stage / Center Stage Left
Down Stage Right/Down Stage Center /Down Stage Left