Think of the process of reporting as collecting.
Effective writing is built with specific, accurate information.? Collect facts, collect impressions, collect quotations, collect details.
Before going out to do the reporting or interviewing, sit in a quiet corner and figure out what questions need to be answered. Put yourself in the place of the person you picture as the reader of your story.?? Write down the questions and bring them with you as you do research, as you attend a speech or a meeting or as you do an interview.
You're not an expert, so don't be afraid to ask dumb questions.
You're not perfect, so don't be afraid to double-check spelling or facts, even if it is embarrassing for you to say, "Could you repeat that please?" or "Would you mind spelling that again, a little slower?"
Use all your senses: What does the auditorium or room or house look like? What do you? see or hear or even smell?
Reporting complemented by writing skills.
Details tend to reveal.?