Linked List

program Linked_List_Example;

type Next_Pointer = ^Full_Name;

Full_Name = record
First_Name : string[12];
Initial : char;
Last_Name : string[15];
Next : Next_Pointer;

var Start_Of_List : Next_Pointer;
Place_In_List : Next_Pointer;
Temp_Place : Next_Pointer;
Index : integer;

begin (* main program *)
(* generate the first name in the list *)
Start_Of_List := Place_In_List;
Place_In_List^.First_Name := 'John';
Place_In_List^.Initial := 'Q';
Place_In_List^.Last_Name := 'Doe';
Place_In_List^.Next := nil;
(* generate another name in the list *)
Temp_Place := Place_In_List;
Temp_Place^.Next := Place_In_List;
Place_In_List^.First_Name := 'Mary';
Place_In_List^.Initial := 'R';
Place_In_List^.Last_Name := 'Johnson';
Place_In_List^.Next := nil;
(* add 10 more names to complete the list *)
for Index := 1 to 10 do begin
Temp_Place := Place_In_List;
Temp_Place^.Next := Place_In_List;
Place_In_List^.First_Name := 'William';
Place_In_List^.Initial := 'S';
Place_In_List^.Last_Name := 'Jones';
Place_In_List^.Next := nil;
(* display the list on the video monitor *)
Place_In_List := Start_Of_List;
Write(' ',Place_In_List^.Initial);
Writeln(' ',Place_In_List^.Last_Name);
Temp_Place := Place_In_List;
Place_In_List := Place_In_List^.Next;
until Temp_Place^.Next = nil;
end. (* of main program *)

Result of execution

John Q Doe
Mary R Johnson
William S Jones
William S Jones
William S Jones
William S Jones
William S Jones
William S Jones
William S Jones
William S Jones
William S Jones
William S Jones

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017