Printout Example

program Printout_Example;

uses Printer;

var Index : byte;

Writeln(Output,'Printer program example');
Writeln(Output,'Turn on your printer and install paper in it.');
Writeln(Lst,'This is to demonstrate printing in Pascal');
for Index := 1 to 15 do begin
Write(Lst,'The index value is ');
Writeln(Lst,' at this point');

Result of execution

Printer example program
Turn on your printer and install paper in it

(The following is output to the printer)

This is to demonstrate printing in Pascal

The index value is 1 at this point
The index value is 2 at this point
The index value is 3 at this point
The index value is 4 at this point
The index value is 5 at this point
The index value is 6 at this point
The index value is 7 at this point
The index value is 8 at this point
The index value is 9 at this point
The index value is 10 at this point
The index value is 11 at this point
The index value is 12 at this point
The index value is 13 at this point
The index value is 14 at this point
The index value is 15 at this point

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017