program A_Larger_Record;const Number_Of_Friends = 50;
type Full_Name = record
First_Name : string[12];
Initial : char;
Last_Name : string[15];
end;Date = record
Day : byte;
Month : byte;
Year : integer;
end;Person = record
Name : Full_Name;
City : string[15];
State : string[2];
Zipcode : string[5];
Birthday : Date;
end;var Friend : array[1..Number_Of_Friends] of Person;
Self,Mother,Father : Person;
Index : byte;begin (* main program *)
Self.Name.First_Name := 'Charley';
Self.Name.Initial := 'Z';
Self.Name.Last_Name := 'Brown';
with Self do begin
City := 'Anywhere';
State := 'CA';
Zipcode := '97342';
Birthday.Day := 17;
with Birthday do begin
Month := 7;
Year := 1938;
end; (* all data for self now defined *)Mother := Self;
Father := Mother;
for Index := 1 to Number_Of_Friends do
Friend[Index] := Mother;
Write(Friend[27].Name.First_Name,' ');
Write(Friend[33].Name.Initial,' ');
end. (* of main program *)
Result of execution
Charley Z Brown