A Small Record

program A_Small_Record;

type Description = record
Year : integer;
Model : string[20];
Engine : string[8];

var Truck : Description;
Cars : array[1..10] of Description;
Index : integer;

begin (* main program *)

Truck.Year := 1988;
Truck.Model := 'Pickup';
Truck.Engine := 'Diesel';

for Index := 1 to 10 do begin
Cars[Index].Year := 1930 + Index;
Cars[Index].Model := 'Duesenburg';
Cars[Index].Engine := 'V8';

Cars[2].Model := 'Stanley Steamer';
Cars[2].Engine := 'Coal';
Cars[7].Engine := 'V12';
Cars[9].Model := 'Ford';
Cars[9].Engine := 'rusted';

Write('My ',Truck.Year:4,' ');
Write(Truck.Model,' has a ');
Writeln(Truck.Engine,' engine.');

for Index := 1 to 10 do begin
Write('My ',Cars[Index].Year:4,' ');
Write(Cars[Index].Model,' has a ');
Writeln(Cars[Index].Engine,' engine.');
end. (* of main program *)

Result of execution

My 1988 Pickup has a Diesel engine.
My 1931 Duesenburg has a V8 engine.
My 1932 Stanley Steamer has a Coal engine.
My 1933 Duesenburg has a V8 engine.
My 1934 Duesenburg has a V8 engine.
My 1935 Duesenburg has a V8 engine.
My 1936 Duesenburg has a V8 engine.
My 1937 Duesenburg has a V12 engine.
My 1938 Duesenburg has a V8 engine.
My 1939 Ford has a rusted engine.
My 1940 Duesenburg has a V8 engine.

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017