Find All Lower Case Characters

program Find_All_Lower_Case_Characters;

const String_Size = 30;

type Low_Set = set of 'a'..'z';

var Data_Set : Low_Set;
Storage : string[String_Size];
Index : 1..String_Size;
Print_Group : string[26];

begin (* main program *)
Data_Set := [];
Print_Group := '';
Storage := 'This is a set test.';

for Index := 1 to Length(Storage) do begin
if Storage[Index] in ['a'..'z'] then begin
if Storage[Index] in Data_Set then
Writeln(Index:4,' ',Storage[Index],
' is already in the set')
else begin
Data_Set := Data_Set + [Storage[Index]];
Print_Group := Print_Group + Storage[Index];
Writeln(Index:4,' ',Storage[Index],
' added to group, complete group = ',
Writeln(Index:4,' ',Storage[Index],
' is not a lower case letter');
end. (* of main program *)

Result of execution

1 T is not a lower case letter
2 h added to group, complete group = h
3 i added to group, complete group = hi
4 s added to group, complete group = his
5 is not a lower case letter
6 i is already in the set
7 s is already in the set
8 is not a lower case letter
9 a added to group, complete group = hisa
10 is not a lower case letter
11 s is already in the set
12 e added to group, complete group = hisae
13 t added to group, complete group = hiseat
14 is not a lower case letter
15 t is already in the set
16 e is already in the set
17 s is already in the set
18 t is already in the set
19 . is not a lower case letter

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017