program Define_Some_Sets;type Goodies = (Ice_Cream,Whipped_Cream,Banana,Nuts,Cherry,
Salt,Pepper,Cone,Straw,Spoon,Stick);Treat = set of Goodies;
var Sundae : Treat;
Banana_Split : Treat;
Soda : Treat;
Ice_Cream_Cone : Treat;
Nutty_Buddy : Treat;
Mixed : Treat;
Index : byte;begin
(* define all ingredients used in each treat *)
Ice_Cream_Cone := [Ice_Cream,Cone];
Soda := [Straw,Soda_Water,Ice_Cream,Cherry];
Banana_Split := [Ice_Cream..Caramel];
Banana_Split := Banana_Split + [Spoon];
Nutty_Buddy := [Cone,Ice_Cream,Choc_Syrup,Nuts];
Sundae := [Ice_Cream,Whipped_Cream,Nuts,Cherry,Choc_Syrup,
Spoon];(* combine for a list of all ingredients used *)
Mixed := Ice_Cream_Cone + Soda + Banana_Split + Nutty_Buddy +
Mixed := [Ice_Cream..Stick] - Mixed; (* all ingredients not used *)if Ice_Cream in Mixed then Writeln('Ice cream not used');
if Whipped_Cream in Mixed then Writeln('Whipped cream not used');
if Banana in Mixed then Writeln('Bananas not used');
if Nuts in Mixed then Writeln('Nuts are not used');
if Cherry in Mixed then Writeln('Cherrys not used');
if Choc_Syrup in Mixed then Writeln('Chocolate syrup not used');
if Strawberries in Mixed then Writeln('Strawberries not used');
if Caramel in Mixed then Writeln('Caramel is not used');
if Soda_Water in Mixed then Writeln('Soda water is not used');
if Salt in Mixed then Writeln('Salt not used');
if Pepper in Mixed then Writeln('Pepper not used');
if Cone in Mixed then Writeln('Cone not used');
if Straw in Mixed then Writeln('Straw not used');
if Spoon in Mixed then Writeln('Spoon not used');
if Stick in Mixed then Writeln('Stick not used');
Result of execution
Salt not used
Pepper not used
Stick not used