Example Of Constants

program Example_Of_Constants;

const Max_Size = 12; (* Pascal assumes this is a byte type, but it
can be used as an integer also *)
Index_Start : integer = 49; (* This is a typed constant *)
Check_It_Out : boolean = TRUE; (* Another typed constant *)

type Bigarray = array[1..Max_Size] of integer;
Chararray = array[1..Max_Size] of char;

var Airplane : Bigarray;
Seaplane : Bigarray;
Helicopter : Bigarray;
Cows : Chararray;
Horses : Chararray;
Index : integer;

begin (* main program *)
for Index := 1 to Max_Size do begin
Airplane[Index] := Index*2;
Seaplane[Index] := Index*3 + 7;
Helicopter[Max_Size - Index + 1] := Index + Airplane[Index];
Horses[Index] := 'X';
Cows[Index] := 'R';
end. (* of main program *)

Result of execution
(There is no output from this program)

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017