program Example_Of_Types;type Array_Def = array[12..25] of integer;
Char_Def = array[0..27] of char;
Real_Array = array[-17..42] of real;
Dog_Food = array[1..6] of boolean;
Airplane = array[1..12] of Dog_Food;
Boat = array[1..12,1..6] of boolean;var Index,Counter : integer;
Stuff : Array_Def;
Stuff2 : Array_Def;
Puppies : Airplane;
Kitties : Boat;begin (* main program *)
for Index := 1 to 12 do
for Counter := 1 to 6 do begin
Puppies[Index,Counter] := TRUE;
Kitties[Index,Counter] := Puppies[Index,Counter];
end. (* of main program *)
Result of executionTRUE TRUE TRUE