Repeat Loop

program Repeat_Loop_Example;

var Count : integer;

Count := 4;
Write('This is in the ');
Write('repeat loop, and ');
Write('the index is',Count:4);
Count := Count + 2;
until Count = 20;
Writeln(' We have completed the loop ');

Result of execution

This is in the repeat loop, and the index is 4
This is in the repeat loop, and the index is 6
This is in the repeat loop, and the index is 8
This is in the repeat loop, and the index is 10
This is in the repeat loop, and the index is 12
This is in the repeat loop, and the index is 14
This is in the repeat loop, and the index is 16
This is in the repeat loop, and the index is 18
We have completed the loop

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017