Boolean Math

program Illustrate_What_Boolean_Math_Looks_Like;

(* notice the program name, it can be up to 63 characters long.
Variables can also be very long as we will see below *)

var A,B,C,D : boolean;
A_Very_Big_Boolean_Name_Can_Be_Used : boolean;
Junk,Who : integer;

Junk := 4;
Who := 5;
A := Junk = Who; {since Junk is not equal to Who, A is false}
B := Junk = (Who - 1); {This is true}
C := Junk < Who; {This is true}
D := Junk > 10; {This is false}
A_Very_Big_Boolean_Name_Can_Be_Used := A or B; {Since B is true,
the result is true}
Writeln('result A is ',A);
Writeln('result B is ',B);
Writeln('result C is ',C);
Writeln('result D is ',D:12); {This answer will be right justified
in a 12 character field}
Writeln('result A_Very_Big_Boolean_Name_Can_Be_Used is ',

(* Following are a few boolean expressions. *)
A := B and C and D;
A := B and C and not D;
A := B or C or D;
A := (B and C) or not (C and D);
A := (Junk = Who - 1) or (Junk = Who);

Result of execution

result A is FALSE
result B is TRUE
result C is TRUE
result D is FALSE
result A_Very_Big_Boolean_Name_Can_Be_Used is TRUE

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017