
Procedures accept data or variables when they are executed. Functions also accept data, but have the ability to return a value to the procedure or program which requests it. Functions are used to perform mathematical tasks like factorial calculations.

A function

  • begins with the keyword function
  • is similar in structure to a procedure
  • somewhere inside the code associated with the function, a value is assigned to the function name
  • a function is used on the righthand side of an expression
  • can only return a simple data type

The actual heading of a function differs slightly than that of a procedure. Its format is,

      function  Function_name (variable declarations) : return_data_type;

After the parenthesis which declare those variables accepted by the function, the return data type (preceeded by a colon) is declared.

function ADD_TWO ( value1, value2 : integer ) : integer;
ADD_TWO := value1 + value2

The following line demonstrates how to call the function,

result := ADD_TWO( 10, 20 );
thus, when ADD_TWO is executed, it equates to the value assigned to its name (in this case 30), which is then assigned to result.

Determine the output of the following program

program function_time (input, output);
const maxsize = 80;
type line = packed array[1..maxsize] of char;

function COUNTLETTERS ( words : line) : integer; {returns an integer}
var loop_count : integer; {local variable}
loop_count := 1;
while (words[loop_count] <> '.') and (loop_count <= maxsize) do
loop_count := loop_count + 1;
COUNTLETTERS := loop_count - 1

var oneline : line;
letters : integer;
writeln('Please enter in a sentence terminated with a .');
readln( oneline );
letters := COUNTLETTERS( oneline );
writeln('There are ',letters,' letters in that sentence.')

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017