Procedures may also accept variables (data) to work with when they are called.
Declaring the variables within the procedure
- The variables accepted by the procedure are enclosed using parenthesis.
- The declaration of the accepted variables occurs between the procedure name and the terminating semi-colon.
Calling the procedure and Passing variables (or values) to it
- When the procedure is invoked, the procedure name is followed by a set of parenthesis.
- The variables to be passed are written inside the parenthesis.
- The variables are written in the same order as specified in the procedure.
Consider the following program example,
program ADD_NUMBERS (input, output);procedure CALC_ANSWER ( first, second : integer );
var result : integer;
result := first + second;
writeln('Answer is ', result )
end;var number1, number2 : integer;
writeln('Please enter two numbers to add together');
readln( number1, number2 );
CALC_ANSWER( number1, number2)