INSTALL EXE - Installs Turbo Pascal on your system
README COM - Program to display README file
TURBO EXE - Turbo Pascal Integrated Development Environment
TURBO TPL - Resident units for Turbo Pascal
TPC EXE - Command-line version of Turbo Pascal
UNPACK COM - Unpacks .ARC files
HELP ARC - Archived Turbo Pascal Help File (TURBO.HLP)
TOUR ARC - Archived Tour of the Integrated
Development EnvironmentTOUR EXE - Tour program
TPTOUR1 CBT - Tour data file
TPTOUR2 CBT - Tour data fileTHELP COM - Memory-resident help program so you can get
Online Help even if you are not working in the
Integrated Development Environment.README - This file!
OOPDEMOS ARC - Packed file that contains object-oriented
programming (OOP) examplesOOPDEMOS DOC - Documentation overview of OOP examples
OBJECTS PAS - OOP unit that defines some basic object types
BUFSTM ASM - Assembler code for OBJECTS.PAS
DOSSTM ASM - Assembler code for OBJECTS.PAS
STREAM ASM - Assembler code for OBJECTS.PAS
OBJECTS INC - Assembler code for OBJECTS.PAS
FORMS PAS - OOP forms entry/edit unit
SLIDERS PAS - OOP unit that extends FORMS.PASCARDFILE PAS - Database example for CARDS.PAS
CARDS DTA - Example data for CARDFILE.PAS
CARDS PAS - OOP unit that implements cards database
CARDGEN PAS - Generates example databases for CARDFILE.PASBREAKOUT PAS - OOP game example
BOUNDS PAS - OOP unit for Breakout demo
BRICKS PAS - OOP unit for Breakout demo
WALLS PAS - OOP unit for Breakout demo
COUNT PAS - OOP unit for Breakout demo
SCREEN PAS - OOP unit for Breakout demoPOINTS PAS - From page 20 of the OOP Guide
FIGURES PAS - From page 42 of the OOP Guide
FIGDEMO PAS - From page 47 of the OOP Guide
LISTDEMO PAS - From page 57 of the OOP GuideTCALC ARC - Packed file with complete source code to
new object-oriented Turbo Calc example programTCALC PAS - Turbo Calc example program
TCALC DOC - Documentation for TCALC demo
TCCELL PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCCELLSP PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCHASH PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCINPUT PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCLSTR PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCMENU PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCPARSER PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCRUN PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCSCREEN PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCSHEET PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCUTIL PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCCOMPAR ASM - Assembler code for TCALC demo
TCMVSMEM ASM - Assembler code for TCALC demo
TCCOMPAR OBJ - .OBJ file for TCALC demo
TCMVSMEM OBJ - .OBJ file for TCALC demoDEMOS ARC - Packed file that contains example (non-object
oriented) programsWINDEMO PAS - WIN.PAS demo
WIN PAS - Simple windowing extensions to Crt unit
WIN ASM - Assembler code for WIN.PAS
WIN OBJ - .OBJ file for WIN.PASEXECDEMO PAS - Executes a child program (DOS unit)
DIRDEMO PAS - Displays directory, uses procedural types
CRTDEMO PAS - Crt unit demo
OVRDEMO PAS - Overlay unit demo
OVRDEMO1 PAS - Example unit for OVRDEMO.PAS
OVRDEMO2 PAS - Example unit for OVRDEMO.PAS
CIRCULAR PAS - Demos the USES clause in implementation section
ERROR PAS - Example unit for CIRCULAR.PAS
QSORT PAS - QuickSort example
LISTER PAS - Printer unit demo
HILB PAS - Floating-point demo
FIB8087 PAS - Recursive example that uses the 8087 math
coprocessor and avoids 8087 stack overflow
PROCVAR PAS - Simple procedural types demo
EMS PAS - Example program that shows how to use expanded
memory from your programs
CPASDEMO PAS - Example program that shows how to link TURBO C .OBJ
files into Turbo Pascal programs
CPASDEMO C - C program for use with CPASDEMO.PAS
CTOPAS TC - Turbo C configuration file to use with TC.EXE
for producing .OBJ files that can be linked with
Turbo Pascal (see CPASDEMO.PAS)
TURBOC CFG - Turbo C configuration file to use with TCC.EXE for
producing .OBJ files that can be linked with Turbo
Pascal (see CPASDEMO.PAS)BGI ARC - Packed file that contains graphics documentation,
drivers, fonts, and examplesGRAPH TPU - Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) Graph unit
ATT BGI - Graphics device driver for AT&T 6300
CGA BGI - Graphics device driver for CGA and MCGA
EGAVGA BGI - Graphics device driver for EGA and VGA
HERC BGI - Graphics device driver for Hercules mono
PC3270 BGI - Graphics device driver for 3270 PC
IBM8514 BGI - Graphics device driver for IBM 8514
GOTH CHR - Gothic font character set
LITT CHR - Small font character set
SANS CHR - Sans serif font character set
TRIP CHR - Triplex font character set
BGIDEMO PAS - Graph unit example
ARTY PAS - Graph unit example
BGILINK PAS - Graph unit example that shows how to link
font and driver files into an .EXE file
DRIVERS PAS - Example unit for use with BGILINK.PAS
FONTS PAS - Example unit for use with BGILINK.PAS
BGILINK MAK - Make file for use with BGILINK.PASDOC ARC - Interface section listings for system units
THELP DOC - Documentation for memory-resident help utility
SYSTEM DOC - Interface section listing for the System unit
DOS DOC - Interface section listing for the Dos unit
CRT DOC - Interface section listing for the Crt unit
PRINTER DOC - Interface section listing for the Printer unit
OVERLAY DOC - Interface section listing for the Overlay unit
GRAPH DOC - Interface section listing for the Graph unit
TURBO3 DOC - Interface section listing for the Turbo3 unit
GRAPH3 DOC - Interface section listing for the Graph3 unit
HELPME! DOC - Text file with the answers to many common
questions. If you have a technical question
about Turbo Pascal, chances are good that the
question and answer are in HELPME!.DOC.TINSTXFR EXE - Transfers 4.0 and 5.0 IDE customizations to 5.5
UTILS ARC - Packed file that contains a number of useful
utilitiesTINST EXE - Customization program for TURBO.EXE
MAKE EXE - Manages projects
GREP COM - Searches text files for strings
TOUCH COM - Changes a file's timestamp to force re-compilation
BINOBJ EXE - Converts a binary data file to an .OBJ file
TPUMOVER EXE - Unit mover utility
TPCONFIG EXE - Converts .TP files to .CFGTURBO3 ARC - Turbo 3.0 compatibility files
UPGRADE EXE - Program that converts 3.0 programs to 5.5
TURBO3 TPU - TURBO3 compatibility unit
GRAPH3 TPU - GRAPH3 compatibility unit (turtle graphics)
BCD PAS - Unit to convert Turbo Pascal 3.0 BCD reals to
Turbo Pascal 5.5 floating point numbers