Desiderius Erasmus (1466 – 1536) was a Dutch humanist and theologian. Erasmus was a classical scholar who wrote in a "pure" Latin style and enjoys the sobriquet "Prince of the Humanists." Renaissance humanists were especially learned and interested in the study of ancient languages.
Using humanist techniques he prepared important new Latin and Greek editions of the New Testament which raised questions that would be influential in the Reformation. He also wrote The Praise of Folly, Handbook of a Christian Knight, On Civility in Children, Copia: Foundations of the Abundant Style, and many other works.
Erasmus lived during a time when many learned people were critical of various Christian beliefs and practices. Some such critics ultimately rejected the authority of the pope and developed new theological systems. Erasmus numbered among those Reformers who consistently criticized certain contemporareous Christian beliefs and practices but who remained intellectually committed throughout his life to a Catholic notion of church and to papal authority.
He also remained committed to a Catholic notion of free will, which many Protestant Reformers rejected in favor of the doctrine of predestination. This middle road disappointed, even angered, leading Protestants, such as Martin Luther, and more fervid papalists.