BCD - Binary Corded Decimal

BCD - Binary Corded Decimal

  • Binary Coded Decimal is a numerical code.
  • In this code structure, each of the decimal digits (0-9) is represented by a four-bit binary code (eg: 3 is represented by 0011)
  • Each digit is then represented by it's binary equivalent.
  • 16 unique(different) numbers can be stored in the 4 bit binary code.
  • Thus there are 6 invalid four-bit combinations in the BCD code

The number  59 is coded in BCD as follows


5 9
0101 1001


BCD code is 01011001



The number  386 is coded in BCD as follows:


3 8 6
0011 1000 0110


BCD code is 001110000110


This makes BCD easy to read, but it is not very efficient in terms of storage space, nor is it as efficiently processed in hardware.



Converting the Decimal value 546 to BCD

5 = 0101
4 = 0100
6 = 0110

Thus 54610 = 0101010001102

Converting the binary value 011100010101 to decimal is

0111 = 7
0001 = 1
0101 = 5

Thus 0111000101012 = 71510


(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017