
The processor performs all the fundamental computation of the computer system. Other components contribute to the computation by doing such things as storing data or moving data into and out of the processor.











































There are two types of memory RAM (Random Access Memory)  and ROM (Read Only Memory)

Random Access Memory (RAM)   
Volatile (memory remains until electricity power is retained)
Stores current data and programs
More RAM results in a faster system

Read Only Memory (ROM)
Permanent storage of programs
Holds the computer boot directions
 When power goes off, the data in the RAM is lost, but not in ROM.
• During processing, data can be read from and also written into RAM speedily.
• RAM called as main memory.
• Common ROMs are BIOS and CMOS which does not loose it's data when the power goes off.

A processor chip has relatively little memory. It has only enough memory to hold a few instructions of a program and the data they process. Complete programs and data sets are held in memory external to the processor. This memory is of two fundamental types:

Main memory:
closely connected to the processor.
stored data are quickly and easily changed.
holds the programs and data that the processor is actively working with.

interacts with the processor millions of times per second. needs constant electric power to keep its information.

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017