චාර්ල්ස් බබාජ් (1791-1871)

Charles Babbage (1791-1871) a British professor in Mathematics is considered as the father of computers invented two different types of mechanical computer engines.

He is known as "FATHER OF COMPUTERS"










1. The Difference Engine.

The Difference Engine had solved polynomial equations by the method of differences. 

Charles Babbage invented it in 1822 and  started full-scale model of Difference Engine with the financial help of British government 

It was planned to be steam-powered and fully automatic.  

It could even print the resulting tables

2. The Analytical Engine
The Analytical Engine is considered as the first predecessor of the modern computer because it had all the units that the modern computer has.
It had the ability

  • to store one thousand numbers each had 50 digits. 
  • to include built-in functions that a general purpose computer need. 

  • to include conditional functions also.  
  • to use punched card to program the machine
  • An input device: Punched cards provided the input.
  • A control unit: A unit used to control or program the processor.
  • A processor (or calculator) : A unit which consisted mechanical parts to process data.
  • Storage: A unit which could hold 1000 50-digit numbers.
  • An output device: Used to print the final results.

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017