Visual Basic Introduction

A Definition
Visual Basic (VB) is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

VB provides massive support for easily creating the user interface to your applications with the IDE.

in an IDEn you cuse a mouse to "draw" your application and use the keyboard to type in the code that is to be executed.

VB introduces the concept of an event-driven programming model. VB watch for the occurrence of user events (pressing a key, using the mouse, ...). and performs assigned function for you to code further actions.

VB has incorporated is the concept of objects.

Objects provides a way to link together both code and data into a "package" in such a way as to make handling and saving the code/data more intuitively. VB forms are objects, menus are objects, and the so are the intrinsic VB controls.

Critical Visual Basic Elements
When you start VB, you will see a group of windows that are know as the VB IDE . As a programmer you will spend the majority of you time here, so you might as well get used to the IDE and spend a fair amount of time exploring the menu options that the IDE provides.

Pay attention to the keyboard shortcuts

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017