All grades Teaching math Is your curriculum coherent? How to motivate & prevent math anxiety Solving word problems & setting up equations ADD/ADHD and diet Omega-3 fats & intelligence
Elementary Elementary word problems Using calculator in elementary grades?
Middle Balance illustrates equation solving Why are fractions so difficult? Negative or zero exponents Number to zero power is one - 2 proofs How to teach proportions How to teach integers Hands-on with pi Sine in a right triangle Rational numbers & converting repeating decimals into fractions Why study math? square roots? algebra? Square roots without a calculator? |
High School Why high school geometry is difficult Help with high school geometry What is proof? Two-column proof vs. paragraph proof Proving is a process - logarithm problem Fascinating irrational numbers Proof that square root of 2 is irrational Rational numbers are countable How does calculator find values of sine? Fibonacci numbers and golden section Why does the square root algorithm work?