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Proteced Envioramental Locations of Sri Lanka
Source IUCN

The definition of a protected area adopted by IUCN is:

An area of land and/or sea especially dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources, and managed through legal or other effective means

Although all protected areas meet the general purposes contained in this definition, in practice the precise purposes for which protected areas are managed differ greatly. The following are the main purposes of management:

  • Scientific research

  • Protection of nature and wilderness

  • Preservation of species and genetic diversity <

  • Provision of environmental services

  • Protection of specific natural and cultural features

  • Tourism and recreation

  • Education

  • Sustainable use of resources from natural ecosystems

  • Maintenance of cultural and traditional features

Categories of Protected Areas

The IUCN has defined a series of protected area management categories based on management objectives. Definitions of these categories, and examples of each, are provided in Guidelines for Protected Area Management Categories (IUCN, 1994). The six categories are:

CATEGORY Ia: Strict Nature Reserve: protected area managed mainly for science

Definition: Area of land and/or sea possessing some outstanding or representative ecosystems, geological or physiological features and/or species, available primarily for scientific research and/or environmental monitoring. CATEGORY Ib : Wilderness Area: protected area managed mainly for wilderness protection Definition: Large area of unmodified or slightly modified land, and/or sea, retaining its natural character and influence, without permanent or significant habitation, which is protected and managed so as to preserve its natural condition.

CATEGORY II : National Park: protected area managed mainly for ecosystem protection and recreation Definition: Natural area of land and/or sea, designated to (a) protect the ecological integrity of one or more ecosystems for present and future generations, (b) exclude exploitation or occupation inimical to the purposes of designation of the area and (c) provide a foundation for spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational and visitor opportunities, all of which must be environmentally and culturally compatible.

CATEGORY III : Natural Monument: protected area managed mainly for conservation of specific natural features

Definition: Area containing one, or more, specific natural or natural/cultural feature which is of outstanding or unique value because of its inherent rarity, representative or aesthetic qualities or cultural significance. CATEGORY IV : Habitat/Species Management Area: protected area managed mainly for conservation through management intervention

Definition: Area of land and/or sea subject to active intervention for management purposes so as to ensure the maintenance of habitats and/or to meet the

requirements of specific species.

CATEGORY V : Protected Landscape/Seascape: protected area managed mainly for landscape/seascape conservation and recreation

Definition: Area of land, with coast and sea as appropriate, where the interaction of people and nature over time has produced an area of distinct character with significant aesthetic, ecological and/or cultural value, and often with high biological diversity. Safeguarding the integrity of this traditional interaction is vital to the protection, maintenance and evolution of such an area.

CATEGORY VI : Managed Resource Protected Area: protected area managed mainly for the sustainable use of natural ecosystems

Definition: Area containing predominantly unmodified natural systems, managed to ensure long term protection and maintenance of biological diversity, while providing at the same time a sustainable flow of natural products and services to meet community needs.

Where the site does not meet the internationally recognised definition of a protected area, application of a management category is not appropriate. This is indicated as category unassigned (UA) in UNEP-WCMC protected area lists.


National protected area systems
At the national level, a variety of designations is used, and will continue to be used. Because of this, it is inevitable that the same designation may mean different things in different countries; and different designations in different countries may be used to describe the same category of protected area. This is one of the key reasons for defining and using at the international level a system of categories identified by management objectives in a system which does not depend on titles. This category system is intended to operate in the same way in all countries so as to facilitate the collection and handling of comparable data, and to improve communication between countries. 

Regional Variation
The conditions for the establishment and management of protected areas vary greatly from region to region, and from country to country. For example, regions like Europe with long-settled, long-managed landscapes in multiple ownership are not, on the whole, as suited to the establishment of Category II areas - but on the other hand, their circumstances are more conducive to the establishment of Category IV and V areas. The IUCN does not favour different standards being used in the application of these categories in different parts of the world, as this would counter the value of having a defined standard. However, the flexibility which is inherent in these guidelines should help in their application to the conditions in different regions and countries 

Size of Protected Areas
The size of an area should reflect the extent of land or water needed to accomplish the purposes of management. For example, for a Category I area, the size should be that needed to ensure the integrity of the area to accomplish the management objective of strict protection, either as a baseline area or research site, or for wilderness protection. For a Category II area, the boundaries should be drawn sufficiently widely that they contain one, or more, entire ecosystems which are not subject to material modification by human exploitation or occupation. 

Zoning within Protected Areas
Though the primary purposes of management will determine the category to which an area is assigned, management plans will often contain management zones for a variety of purposes which take account of local conditions. However, in order to establish the appropriate category, at least three-quarters and preferably more of the area must be managed for the primary purpose; and the management of the remaining area must not be in conflict with that primary purpose. Cases where parts of a single management unit

are classified by law as having different management objectives are discussed under the heading of multiple classifications. 

Multiple Classifications
Protected areas of different categories are often contiguous; sometimes one category 'nests' within another. Thus many Category V areas contain within them Category I and IV areas; some will adjoin Category II areas. Again, some Category II areas contain Category Ia and Ib areas. This is entirely consistent with the application of the system, providing such areas are identified separately for accounting and reporting purposes. Although there are obvious benefits in having the entire area within the responsibility of one management authority, this may not always be possible; in such cases, close cooperation between authorities will be essential. 

Management Responsibility
Governments have a fundamental responsibility for the existence and well being of national systems of protected areas. They should regard such areas as important components of national strategies for conservation and sustainable development. However, the actual responsibility for management of individual protected areas may rest with central, regional or local government, non governmental organisations, the private sector or the local community. The test is whether the designated authority is capable of achieving the management objectives. In practice, protected area Categories I-III will usually be the responsibility of some form of governmental body, while responsibility for categories IV and V may rest with local administrations, albeit usually working within the framework of national legislation. 

Ownership of Land
As with the question of the managing authority, the key test is whether the type of ownership is compatible with the achievement of the management objectives. In many countries ownership by some form of public body (whether nationally or locally based), or an appropriately constituted non-governmental body with conservation objectives, facilitates management and is therefore to be favoured in Categories I-III in particular. However, this is not universally true, and - in the remaining categories - private ownership will be much more common, often being the predominant form of land ownership. 

Local communities
Whatever the ownership, experience shows that the success of management depends greatly on the good will and support of local communities. In such cases, the managing authority will need to have good consultative and communications systems, and effective mechanisms which may include incentives, to secure compliance with management objectives. 

Areas around Protected Areas
Protected areas are not isolated units. Ecologically, economically, politically and culturally, they are linked to the areas around them. For that reason, the planning and management of protected areas must be incorporated within regional planning, and supported by the policies adopted for wider areas. For the purposes of the application of the categories system, however, where one area is used to 'buffer' or surround another, both their categories should be separately identified and recorded.

The information given above is extracted from:
IUCN (1994). Guidelines for Protected Areas Management Categories. IUCN, Cambridge, UK and Gland, Switzerland. 261pp.




IUCN category Size (hectares) Location Date Type


IV  6216 6¸11'N - 81¸14'E 1969 

National Park

Flood Plains 

II  17351 7¸57'N - 81¸07'E 1984 

National Park

Gal Oya Valley 

II  25900 7¸10'N - 81¸25'E 1954 

National Park

Horton Plains 

II  3160 6¸48'N - 80¸47'E 1988 

National Park

Lahugala Kitulana 

II  1554 6¸54'N - 81¸43'E 1980 

National Park

Maduru Oya Block 1 

II  51469 7¸32'N - 81¸11'E 1983 

National Park

Maduru Oya Block 2 

II  7381 7¸29'N - 81¸13'E 1985 

National Park

Ruhuna Block 1 

II  13679 6¸30'N - 81¸23'E 1938 

National Park

Ruhuna Block 2 

II  9931 6¸29'N - 81¸28'E 1954 

National Park

Ruhuna Block 3 

II  40775 6¸29'N - 81¸28'E 1967 

National Park

Ruhuna Block 4 

II  26418 6¸29'N - 81¸28'E 1969 

National Park

Ruhuna Block 5 

II  6656 6¸29'N - 81¸28'E 1973 

National Park

Somawathiya Block 1 

II  21057 8¸16'N - 81¸10'E 1986 

National Park

Somawathiya Block 2 

II  16589 8¸12'N - 81¸06'E 1987 

National Park

Uda Walawe 

II  30821 6¸30'N - 80¸50'E 1972 

National Park

Wasgomuwa Lot 1 

II  29036 7¸46'N - 80¸55'E 1984 

National Park

Wasgomuwa Lot 2 

II  4613 7¸46'N - 80¸58'E 1984 

National Park

Wilpattu Block 1 

II  54953 8¸28'N - 79¸59'E 1938 

National Park

Wilpattu Block 2 

II  7021 8¸34'N - 80¸01'E 1967 

National Park

Wilpattu Block 3 

II  22981 8¸34'N - 80¸01'E 1969 

National Park

Wilpattu Block 4 

II  25253 8¸34'N - 80¸01'E 1969 

National Park

Wilpattu Block 5 

II  21485 8¸34'N - 80¸01'E 1973 

National Park

Yala East Block 1 

II  17863 6¸36'N - 81¸40'E 1969 

National Park

Yala East Block 2 

II  285 6¸36'N - 81¸10'E 1969 

National Park

Kombala-Kottawa Proposed 

Ia  1625 18¸47'00N - 5¸52'00E  

Forest Reserve


Ia  297 30¸36'00N - 7¸40'00E 1935 

Forest Reserve

Yagirala Proposed 

Ia  34 0¸00'00 - 0¸00'00  

Forest Reserve


Ia  5440 33¸14'00N - 40¸12'00E 1890 

Forest Reserve


Ia  2237 28¸21'00N - 18¸40'00E  

Forest Reserve


Ia  1560 28¸32'00N - 31¸05'00E  

Forest Reserve


Ia  2448 32¸13'00N - 18¸48'00E 1936 

Forest Reserve


Ia  4839 25¸40'00N - 45¸47'00E  

Forest Reserve


Ia  362 17¸52'00N - 19¸21'00E  

Forest Reserve


Ia  283 9¸30'00N - 43¸35'00E 1929 

Forest Reserve


Ia  4288 15¸11'00N - 26¸34'00E  

Forest Reserve


Ia  359 19¸48'00N - 2¸30'00E  

Forest Reserve


Ia  6026 21¸48'00N - 14¸49'00E 1934 

Forest Reserve


Ia  380 35¸57'00N - 58¸47'00E 1935 

Forest Reserve

Madampe Proposed 

Ia  40 -  

Forest Reserve


Ia  225 - 1893 

Forest Reserve


Ia  434 37¸58'00N - 39¸55'00E  

Forest Reserve


Ia  847 36¸31'00N - 41¸20'00E 1893 

Forest Reserve

Morapitiya-Runakanda Proposed 

Ia  6733 -  

Forest Reserve

Nahiti Mukalana 

Ia  196 34¸19'00N - 29¸55'00E 1889 

Forest Reserve


Ia  2236 22¸06'00N - 12¸18'00E  

Forest Reserve


Ia  486 31¸47'00N - 5¸14'00E 1939 

Forest Reserve


Ia  1407 37¸16'00N - 14¸48'00E 1926 

Forest Reserve


Ia  192 6¸48'00N - 33¸37'00E  

Forest Reserve


Ia  625 36¸15'00N - 7¸04'00E 1935 

Forest Reserve

Walawe Basin 

Ia  3230 36¸30'00N - 45¸18'00E 1893 

Forest Reserve


Ia  1142 6¸54'N - 80¸48'E 1938 

Strict Natural Reserve


Ia  1528 8¸07'N - 80¸39'E 1941 

Strict Natural Reserve


Ia  28905 6¸29'N - 81¸36'E 1938 

Strict Natural Reserve


IV  791 - 1993 


Mahakanadarawa Wewa 

IV  0 -  



IV  1066 - 1993 



IV  11187 6¸24'N - 80¸27'E 1988 

National Heritage Wilderness Area

Minneriya-Giritale Block 1 

IV  7529 7¸54'N - 80¸54'E 1988 

Nature Reserve


IV  824 7¸44'N - 80¸59'E 1991 

Nature Reserve


IV  25019 8¸09'N - 81¸19'E 1986 

Nature Reserve

Ambalangoda-Hikkaduwa Rocky Islets 

IV  1 6¸09'N - 80¸08'E 1940 



IV  3501 8¸20'N - 80¸24'E 1938 


Bar Reef Marine 

IV  30670 8¸25'48N - 79¸42'03E 1992 



IV  60 6¸50'N - 79¸54'E 1990 



IV  1841 7¸10'N - 80¸54'E 1974 



IV  11149 9¸28'N - 80¸31'E 1938 


Gal Oya Valley North-East 

IV  12432 7¸18'N - 81¸35'E 1954 


Gal Oya Valley South-West 

IV  15281 7¸04'N - 81¸27'E 1954 


Galway's Land 

IV  57 - 1938 


Giant's Tank 

IV  3941 8¸51'N - 80¸03'E 1954 


Great Sober Island 

IV  65 8¸32'N - 81¸12'E 1963 


Hikkaduwa Marine 

IV  45 6¸07'01N - 80¸07'01E 1979 


Honduwa Island 

IV  8 - 1973 



IV  13 7¸08'N - 80¸05'E 1973 



IV  21690 - 1989 


Kalametiya Kalapuwa 

IV  712 6¸05'N - 80¸56'E 1984 



IV  1004 6¸24'N - 81¸23'E 1938 



IV  838 6¸24'N - 81¸21'E 1938 



IV  113 - 1941 


Kimbulwan Oya 

IV  492 - 1963 


Kokilai Lagoon 

IV  2995 8¸59'N - 80¸55'E 1951 



IV  4403 6¸40'N - 81¸45'E 1973 


Little Sober Island 

IV  7 - 1963 


Madhu Road 

IV  26677 8¸54'N - 80¸12'E 1968 


Mahakandara Wewa 

IV  0 8¸23'N - 80¸32'E 1966 



IV  22 7¸08'N - 80¸05'E 1972 



IV  1000 8¸20'N - 80¸31'E 1938 



IV  6694 8¸00'N - 80¸52'E 1938 


Padaviya Tank 

IV  6475 8¸47'N - 80¸45'E 1963 



IV  14 - 1942 


Parapuduw Nun's Island 

IV  190 - 1988 


Parititivu Island 

IV  97 - 1973 


Peak Wilderness 

IV  22379 6¸46'N - 80¸33'E 1940 


Pigeon Island 

IV  5 - 1974 



IV  1522 7¸57'N - 81¸00'E 1938 


Ravana Ella 

IV  1932 6¸50'N - 81¸03'E 1979 



IV  616 7¸07'N - 81¸47'E 1963 


Senanayake Samudra 

IV  9324 7¸11'N - 81¸28'E 1954 



IV  15540 8¸20'N - 81¸20'E 1970 



IV  5099 7¸57'N - 80¸45'E 1990 


Sri Jayewardenepura Bird 

IV  449 6¸52'N - 79¸57'E 1985 



IV  132 - 1938 



IV  1425 6¸10'N - 80¸06'E 1938 


Trincomalee Naval Headworks 

IV  18130 8¸30'N - 81¸02'E 1963 



IV  104 7¸19'N - 80¸39'E 1938 



IV  4856 9¸04'N - 80¸20'E 1963 



IV  42087 7¸54'N - 80¸29'E 1987 



IV  134 - 1949 


Wilpattu North 

IV  1878 8¸32'N - 79¸58'E 1938 



IV  4164 6¸18'N - 81¸15'E 1938 


(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017