E and A, as in BET and BAT

මෙම හඬ අසමින් පාඩම කර බලන්න.
Play this sound to do the lesson

අවශ්‍ය තැන් වලදී නවත්වා කාලය ලබාගන්න.

pat - pet

How to make the sound
To make /æ/, put your tongue low and pushed forward a little. Spread your lips slightly, and
keep your jaw open. For //, close your jaw while saying /æ/, and you will hear the change
to //.

Exercise One: Word Repetition

Listen to the following words and repeat.


Exercise Two: Minimal Pairs
Listen to the following word pairs. Repeat them, being careful to make the distinction between the two sounds.

then than
bet bat
met mat
blend bland
end and
Brendan Brandon
Kent can't
bread Brad
guess gas
led lad

Exercise Three: Answer appropriately on the lines below by writing a, e, or o.

1. 2.   3.   4.
5. 6.   7.   8.

Exercise Four: Minimal Pair Distinction Part One

You will hear the sentences below, but only one of the italicized words will be spoken. identify the word which you hear.


1. They bought a lot of gems/jams from the specialty shop.

2. All my friends saw me and left/laughed.

3. He was sending/sanding some furniture when I called.

Part Two: Listen for the missing words and write them on the lines below.

The sea captain's was big.

The Prime Minister was to be home.

The church service was a real .

The gymnast managed a at the Olympics.

Exercise Five: Dictation
Listen to the sentences and write them on the lines below.

_____________________________________ad said._____



_____________________________bland_______________ 5._______________________________________batter._____

Exercise Six: Questions for Answers Given
In this section, you will hear 5 answers. You will not hear the questions. Listen carefully to the answer, and then record the question in the space provided on your tape by using your drill/record button.

Example: ______________________? I'm fine, thanks. (you record "How are you?" onto your tape BEFORE the answer. Then, cue your tape and let your instructor listen.)

. Was… . Has… . Have Fran's… . Haven't… .

Tongue Twisters
Read each of the following sentences aloud, paying attention to the sounds from this lesson.

1. Lassie headed back to Peg and Allen for ten apples.

2. Hedley sadly said sending Sally a man was extra bad.

3. Matt never had less capital than several checks ago.

4. Rather than settling Al and Ellie's debts, Fran just laughed and left.

5. Dennis and Kent can't dance because they're dense dancers.

6. Dan's den is a sad shed back of Beck's badly built bed and breakfast.

7. Clem's clams went up Betty's back and tampered with her temper.

8. Ed's ad said track treks led lads into mass messes.

9. Ted tampered a tad in Brad's bread and jam.

10. Stan stemmed his temper tantrum and lent Landry a bank check.

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017