George and Zsa Zsa

මෙම හඬ අසමින් පාඩම කර බලන්න.
Play this sound to do the lesson

අවශ්‍ය තැන් වලදී නවත්වා කාලය ලබාගන්න.

Exercise One: Word Repetition


Listen to the following words and repeat.


Exercise Two: Minimal Pair Distinction

Listen to the following pairs of words from your tape and repeat.
(note: some of the pairs are not minimal pairs, and will have more than one sound which is dissimilar)

Asian aging
occasion Oh Cajun!
elision religion
Persian purging
erosion Trojan
version virgin
lesion legion
immersion emerging
measure major
pleasure pledger

Exercise Three:

As you listen to each phrase, mark yes or no.

1. yes no 4. yes no 7. yes no
2. yes no 5. yes no 8. yes no
3. yes no 6. yes no 9. yes no

Exercise Four: Minimal Pair Distinction

Part One : Listen to the sound . For each number below, you will hear three words. Two of the words will be the same. Write a if you hear the first one as different, b if the second, or c if you hear the third one as different.

1. 2.   3.   4.

Part Two: Listen for the missing words and write them in the spaces below.

  1. He was an politician.

  2. The of the story was unbelievable.

  3. He received a great from the movie theatre. 
  4. He saw a movie called .  

Exercise Five: Dictation

Listen to the sentences and speak them.

  1. _Roger____________________________________occasion.____
  2. _______________Parisians_______________________________
  3. _____________________________________________________
  4. _____________________________________________________
  5. __Majors_____________________________________________  

Exercise Six: Questions for Answers Given

In this section, you will hear 5 answers. You will not hear the questions. Listen carefully to the answer, and then ask the question.

Example: ______________________? I'm fine, thanks. (you record "How are you?" onto your tape BEFORE the answer. Then, cue your tape and let your instructor listen.)

  1. Is George_______________________________over? 
  2. Who saw…  

Tongue Twisters

Say these tongue twisters out loud to practice the sounds.

1. John saw an unusual collision while indulging in a rigid regime.

2. George and Zsa Zsa urged on the Egyptian pigeons with derision.

3. Casual clothes are provisional for leisurely trips across Asia.

4. Pleasure is measured under Marjorie's rigid supervision.

5. Angela's original diversion was encouraged by Jane and Jean.

6. Frazier envisioned a provision for his Parisian subdivisions.

7. Her version of the procedure verges on injury to the individual.

8. Purging the Persian legions in the Eurasian regions was a diversion.

9. Jack is cagey on occasion, but is also an original visionary.

10. Imogene, George, and Roger are diverging fugitives.

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017