s, sh, and ch

How to Make the s, sh, and ch Sound : s, sh, ch ශබ්ද කරන අයුරු

මෙම හඬ අසමින් s, sh, and ch පාඩම කර බලන්න.
Play this sound to do s, sh, and ch lesson

අවශ්‍ය තැන් වලදී නවත්වා කාලය ලබාගන්න.

How to make the sounds /s/ is a voiceless fricative. /sh/ is also voiceless, but to make it different from /s/, pull the tip of your tongue slightly back and up. (It is the same sound you make when you want someone to be quiet: Shshshshshshsh!) For /ts/, just put a /t/ in front of /s/, and you will get a /ts/.

Exercise One: Minimal Pair Repetition

Listen to the following words and repeat.

sip ship chip
sane Shane chain
leasing leashing leaching
bass bash batch
Cass cash catch

Exercise Two: Minimal Pair/Trio Distinction

Listen to the sound. You will hear the sentences below, but only one of the italicized words will be spoken. Circle the word which you hear.

  1. She was leasing/leashing/leaching when I called.

  2. The man was watching his bass/bash/batch .

  3. We saw a girl with Cass/cash .

  4. He was watching/washing his car.

  5. They were going to shoe/chew/sue it.


Exercise Three: Minimal Trio Distinction

Listen to the sound. You will hear three words. One of the words will be different. If the first word is different from the other two, write 1 on the line provided. If it the second, write 2, and if it the third, write 3.


a. b. c. d.
e. f. g.  h.

Exercise Four: Dictation

Listen to the sound and write the sentences.

  1. __Seashells_________________________________________

  2. ________________chimes_____________________________

  3. __Sean_____________________________________________

  4. ___________________________________chow-chow.______

  5. _____________________sop___________________________

Exercise Five: Questions for Answers Given

In this section, you will hear 5 answers. You will not hear the questions. Listen carefully to the answer, and then speak the question .

Example: ______________________? I'm fine, thanks. (you record "How are you?" onto your tape BEFORE the answer. Then, cue your tape and let your instructor listen.

Unit Five Tongue Twisters

Say the following tongue twisters, paying attention to the three sounds in this unit.

1. Check the sheep shippers for seeping chips.

2. Chuck and Russ's cherries and peaches get mushy in a rush.

3. Insane Shane chained his catch close to his ketch.

4. The searchers for perch perished on the chilly seashore.

5. Sean Schick was seasick selling seashells in shallow shoals.

6. 'Shush', said Sally as she shredded Charlotte's cheap shirts.

7. Sherman was shy about chips and sherbet in Chatanooga.

8. Charlie is sure sore about the chipped Tahitian fuschia he purchased.

9. Shawn shuddered and stopped chopping his hashish.

10. Grecian TV stations sometimes sell such cheap chinchillas.

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017