those mother soothe
How to Make the th Sound ත් ශබ්ද කරන අයුරු
මෙම හඬ අසමින් th පාඩම කර බලන්න.
Play this sound to do th lesson
අවශ්ය තැන් වලදී නවත්වා කාලය ලබාගන්න.
මෙම වීඩියෝව දුවවා th යන්න උච්චාණය වන අයුරු බලන්න.
Play this video to see how th is pronounced
ශබ්ද කිරීමේදී ඔබගේ දිවේ මුල , ඔබගේ උඩු ඇන්දේ තබාගන්න. එය තොල් අතර තබා නොගන්න. දිව අග හා උඩු ඇන්ද අතරින් හුලං පිටකරමින් th ශබ්දය නගන්න
Place the tip of your tongue between your upper and lower teeth. Don't put it between your lips. Make the sound by forcing air through the opening between your teeth and your tongue. Vibrate your vocal cords. The difference between two sounds is that the first is voiced and second, voiceless.
Exercise One: Word Repetition
Listen to the following words and repeat.
Listen to the following words and repeat.
than those there them thy although mother father northern whether seethe loathe teethe soothe sheathe |
Exercise Two: Minimal Pairs
Listen to the following word pairs. Repeat them, being careful to make the distinction between the two sounds.
than Dan father fodder either ether teething teasing those doze breathing breeding dare there clothing closing thy thigh thy die |
Exercise Three: Phrases with th
You will hear phrases of words that either contain the sound th or do not. As you listen to each phrase circle yes if you hear th, and circle no if you do not.
ත ශබ්දය තිබෙන වාක්ය ලකුණු කරන්න
ත ශබ්දය තිබෙන වාක්ය ලකුණු කරන්න
1. yes | no | 4. yes | no | 7. yes | no |
2. yes | no | 5. yes | no | 8. yes | no |
3. yes | no | 6. yes | no | 9. yes | no |
Exercise Four: Minimal Pair Distinction
වාක්යයේ කියවෙන වචනය තෝරන්න
Part One You will hear the sentences below, but only one of the italicized words will be spoken. Circle the one word which you hear.
They were breathing/breeding like rabbits.
- I don't enjoy getting ether/either at all.
When exactly will they/day come?
My neighbours soothe/sued me often.
I don't think that essay is worthy/wordy.
Listen for the missing words and write them on the lines below.
අදාල වචනයෙන් හිස්තැන පුරවන්න.
අදාල වචනයෙන් හිස්තැන පුරවන්න.
- He can spell very well.
- All my children like her .
- His writing became after each paragraph.
- The little girls are .
- The snake is beginning to .
6. Exercise Five: Dictation
Listen to the sentences and write them on the lines below.
1. bathing
2. soothing
3. bother
4. northerner
5. soothes
Exercise Six: Questions for Answers Given
In this section, you will hear 5 answers. You will not hear the questions. Listen carefully to the answer, and then write the question in the space provided.
Example: ? I'm fine,
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
Tongue Twisters
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
Tongue Twisters
Say the following sentences aloud, paying attention to the sound.
1.Those of the southern and northern areas are still writhing and seething.
1.Those of the southern and northern areas are still writhing and seething.
2. Breathe the breeze, loathe the lows, and soothe the Sues.
3. Rather than loathing their mothers, soothe their fathers.
4. Bathing in the bays is soothing to those teething brothers.
5. Dan would rather scythe in wetter weather.
6. Their dare was to Dan rather than those dozing northerners.
7. Ether either makes Thor writhe or seethe.
8. Though dough is worthy, it is worthier with their father's tithe.
9. That thatch there on their thighs, although sheathed, is weathered.
10. Breeding breathing southern otters in the north is worth thousands to them.