TH, as in THINK, BATHROOM, and TEETH ත්,තින්ක්,තෲ, ටීත්

think bathroom teeth
How to Make the
th Sound ත් ශබ්ද කරන අයුරු


මෙම හඬ අසමින් th පාඩම කර බලන්න.
Play this sound to do th lesson

අවශ්‍ය තැන් වලදී නවත්වා කාලය ලබාගන්න.  

මෙම වීඩියෝව දුවවා th යන්න උච්චාණය වන අයුරු බලන්න.
Play this video to see how th is pronounced


ශබ්ද කිරීමේදී ඔබගේ දිවේ මුල , ඔබගේ උඩු ඇන්දේ තබාගන්න. එය තොල් අතර තබා නොගන්න. දිව අග හා උඩු ඇන්ද අතරින් හුලං පිටකරමින් ත් ශබ්දය නගන්න

Place the tip of your tongue between your upper and lower teeth. Don't put it between your lips. Make the sound by forcing air through the opening between your teeth and tongue. Don't vibrate your vocal cords.

Exercise One: Word Repetition
එක් වචනය බැගින් ශබ්ද කිරීම
Listen to the following words and repeat. 

Thursday think  third   throw Thelma
without  bathroom    nothing  breathless mythology
teeth path method booth wrath

Exercise Two: Minimal Pairs වචන දෙක බැගින් ශබ්ද කිරීම

Listen to the following word pairs. Repeat them, being careful to make the distinction between the two sounds.
වචන දෙකම වෙන්ව උච්චාරණය වැදගත්

three free
Thor soar
both boat
tore Thor 
frilled thrilled
thin sin
pass path
fought thought
moth moss
three free

Exercise Three: Phrases with /Tha/ ත අඩංගු වාක්‍ය

You will hear phrases of words that either contain the sound "Tha" or do not. As you listen to

each, phrase circle yes if you hear "tha" and circle no if you do not.

ත ශබ්දය තිබෙන වාක්‍ය ලකුණු කරන්න


1. yes no 4. yes no 7. yes no
2. yes no 5. yes no 8. yes no
3. yes no 6. yes no 9. yes no

Exercise Four: Minimal Pair Distinction Part One

වාක්‍යයේ කියවෙන වචනය තෝරන්න

You will hear the sentences below, but only one of the italicized words will be spoken. Circle the one word which you hear.

  1. Geoffrey saw the pass/path and took it.

  2. Thora and Thelma read all about the trees/threes .
  3. After the rain, his booths/boots were covered with mud.
  4. All the students saw the free/three men and applauded.
  5. The new manager really liked his new theme /team.

Part Two

අදාල වචනයෙන් හිස්තැන පුරවන්න.
Listen for the missing words and write them on the lines below.

  1. That man was when I saw him.

  2. Paula and John were by the Halloween costumes. 
  3. The little girl had a big  
  4. My are no good. 
  5. The baseball player had a hot .  

Exercise Five: Dictation

වාක්‍යය හොඳින් අසා ලියන්න.
Listen to the sentences and write them.

  1. thumb.

  2. thirsty
  3. healthy. 
  4. fine. 
  5. moths

Exercise Six: Questions for Answers Given
ඇසෙන පිලිතුරට අනුව ප්‍රශ්නය නගා ලියන්න.

In this section, you will hear 5 answers. You will not hear the questions. Listen carefully to the answer, and then record the question in the space provided ,

Example: ? I'm fine, thanks.

Do you think… . Have… . Was… . Did… . Was…

1. ?

Unit One Tongue Twisters
දිව උළුක්කු නොවන පරිදි මේ වාක්‍යයන් හඬ නගා කියන්න.

Say these tongue twisters out loud to practice the sound.

1. Thor is the god of Thunder.

2. Thelma and Theo have bad breath.

3. Three free thrilling frills fought on Ruth's roof.

4. Thieves are thankless thugs who deserve our wrath.

5. Nothing is worth thousands of deaths.

6. Mr. Smith's teeth are thin and lethal.

7. Thursdays are thirsty days for lethargic Ruth and Thelma.

8. It seems themes are sought by thousands of mythical misses.

9. Thick ticks on three trees brought broth to ten thin tin men.

10. Sick thickets thwarted seven thin sinners from passing through.  

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017