How English Words Sound ? ඉංග්‍රීසි වචන ශබ්ද වන අයුරු

මේ වචන ශබ්ද කරන්න

er, ar,ure, a, io, or , eo, ur, ir වදන් යන සිංහල වචනයේ දයන්න ශබ්ද එන "අ" ශබ්දය ලෙස කෙටිව ශබ්ද වේ.  ද, ද, ද, the
the, letter, calendar, picture, figure, a,  madam, nation, woman,  effort, around,  avalanche,  surgeon, surprise, gathered, rumour, circuitous
එම ශබ්දයම මෙහිදී තරමක් ඇදී  ශබ්ද වේ. bird, burden, heard, herd, world, were, courtesy
curl, girl, early, search, sir, surgeon, occur, fur, circuit
ඊ තරමක් ඇදී  ශබ්ද වේ.
beat, breathe, seat, sheet, receive, brief, serene,
we, he, she
කෙටි ඉ bit, kit, mint, hill, it, which, av(e)rage, language, pigeon, cyclical, bicycle, pretty,enquiry, signature, hypocrisy, forage, lettuce, busy, Jesus's, build, vinyl, business
කෙටි එ bet, let, set, weather, whether, when, leisure,
friend, measure, breath, ahead, instead, feather
එයා air, where, wear, there, their, they're, hair, care,
scare, scarce, square,  pear, welfare, fair, aware
කෙට ඇ bat, cat, hat, add, madam, and, back, avalanche
(අම්මා ලෙස) but, cup, some, mother, come, other, above, Monday,
love, thorough ('gh' = silent), t
ough ('gh' = 'f'), flourish, flood
bad, mad, sad, glad, man, land
cart, heart, half, arm, radar, calm, avalanche, scarred
sergeant, garage, tomato, banal, aunt, aren't, are
 උ should, good, would, could, wood, woman, wolf
 ඌ shoe, to ('strong' form), two, too, you, who, whose,
lieutenant (also pronounced "ef"), true, sue, route, chew, brew, eschew, cruise, through
 ඔ cot, hot, got, on, from,  watch, want, quality,auction
 ඕ caught, court, , pause, cortisone, bought, sport, war, all, or, awe, raw, roar, for, former, claw, clause, door, boring, talk, draw, warm


(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017