Causatives Test 2 ප්‍රයෝජ්‍ය ක්‍රියා පරීක්‍ෂණය
My car is a mess!

1. The tires need replacing.
I'll tomorrow.

2. The oil needs changing.
I'll tomorrow.

3. The ashtrays need emptying.
I'll tomorrow.

4. The engine needs tuning up.
I'll tomorrow.

5. The brakes need fixing.
I'll tomorrow.

6. The gas tank needs filling.
I'll tomorrow.
My car is a mess!

1. The tires need replacing.
I'll tomorrow.

2. The oil needs changing.
I'll tomorrow.

3. The ashtrays need emptying.
I'll tomorrow.

4. The engine needs tuning up.
I'll tomorrow.

5. The brakes need fixing.
I'll tomorrow.

6. The gas tank needs filling.
I'll tomorrow.
(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017