Causatives ප්‍රයෝජ්‍ය ක්‍රියා පරීක්‍ෂණය
My house is a mess!

1. I think the carpenter should fix my door.
I'll my door.

2. I think the cleaner should wash my windows.
I'll my windows.

3. I think the gardener should cut my grass.
I'll my grass.

4. I think the builder should fix my roof.
I'll my roof.

5. I think the plumber should mend my tap.
I'll my tap.
My house is a mess!

1. I think the carpenter should fix my door.
I'll my door.

2. I think the cleaner should wash my windows.
I'll my windows.

3. I think the gardener should cut my grass.
I'll my grass.

4. I think the builder should fix my roof.
I'll my roof.

5. I think the plumber should mend my tap.
I'll my tap.
(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017