Gerunds භාව ක්‍රියා

ක්‍රියාවක් නාමයක් ලෙස යෙදීම
a gerund is a kind of verbal noun in English, it can behave as a verb within a clause , but the clause as a whole acts as a noun within the larger sentence. For example:

Editing this article is very easy. මේ ලේඛනය සංස්කරණය ඉතා පහසුය.

Examples of the gerund:

  • I like swimming. (direct object)
  • Programming is fun. (subject)

Gerunds are nouns formed from verbs:
භාව ක්‍රියා සෑදෙන්නේ ක්‍රියාපදවලට ING එකතු කරමිනි.
walking, talking, thinking, listening
Gerunds are formed by adding ING to verbs: think + ing  thinking

However, there are a few spelling rules that you need to know in order to form gerunds correctly. The spelling of a gerund depends on the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and consonants (b, c, d etc.) at the end of the verb: 
සමහර අවස්ථා වලදී එකතු කිරීමේදී ක්‍රියාවේ අවසාන පණකුර (a, e, i, o, u) හා ගතකුරු අනුව අක්‍ෂරවල සුළු වෙනස්කිරීම් සිදුවේ.

If there is more than one consonant, just add ING:

think + ing  thinking

If there is more than one vowel, just add ING:

beat + ing  beating

If there is one vowel and one consonant, and the syllable is stressed, double the consonant and add ING:

hit + t + ing  hitting

If there are one or more consonants and E, remove the E and add ING:

take + ing  taking

In most other cases, just add ING:

study + ing  studying

see + ing  seeing

Verbs that are normally followed by the gerund include

admit, adore, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, can't stand, carry on, consider, contemplate, delay, deny, describe, detest, dislike, enjoy, escape, fancy, feel, finish, give up, hear, imagine, include, justify, keep (on), listen to, mention, mind, miss, notice, observe, perceive, postpone, practise, quit, recall, report, resent, resume, risk, see, sense, stop, suggest, tolerate, and watch.

Additionally, the prepositions "into" and "out of" can be followed by a gerund.

For example:

  • We postponed making any decision.
  • I simply adore reading what you write.
  • I detest going to the cinema.
  • We heard whispering.
  • His physician advised leaving home for a week.
  • They denied having avoided me. (= They denied that they had avoided me.)
  • He talked me into coming to the party.
  • They frightened her out of voicing her opinion.

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017