The list of definitions of verbs often used in writing assignments. Use this list when you consider the approaches your writing assignment requires.
Analyze To separate something into parts and discuss, examine, or interpret each part.
Classify To put something into a category with things of a similar type. You might need to defend or explain how you arrived at a category and how one category differs from another.
Compare To examine two or more things and to show their similarities.
Contrast To examine two or more things and to show their differences.
Criticize To analyze and make reasoned judgments about something. Please note that your judgments may be positive, negative, or both.
Define To give the meaning of a term or concept. A definition may be simple or complex. The available techniques for definition include examples, synonyms, antonyms (opposites), etymology (word history), or dictionary definitions.
Describe To give the physical or non-physical qualities or characteristics of something.
Discuss To offer the pros and cons of an issue. Sometimes “discuss” is used more broadly to include any of the other terms on this list—for example, it may mean “write something interesting or significant about a topic.”
Enumerate To make a list of something’s component ideas, aspects or parts.
Evaluate To give a reasoned opinion about something, usually in terms of the merit of a particular work, idea, or person.
Explain To describe how something functions. To give a definition for something.
Identify To indicate, or describe, what a thing is, what it is composed of, or when and where it occurs.
Illustrate To give examples or to describe something.
Interpret To comment upon something or explain its meaning.
Outline To give a historical overview of something, or to describe its main ideas or parts.
Prove To argue a position by supporting your claims with factual evidence.
State To explain something clearly and concisely.
Summarize To give the main points or highlights of a longer work. To give a condensed account of an article, story, or event.
Trace To give a historical overview or outline of some change. To summarize a chronological or sequential order of events.