Articles එම එය එක් අර්ථ

The English article system can be confusing, especially to speakers whose native language does not have articles.  This handout will help explain the uses of articles in English.

To determine which article to use with a noun, you must ask two questions:

1.    Is the noun definite or indefinite?
2.    Is the noun count or noncount?

Definite vs. Indefinite
There are two types of articles in English:  definite (the) and indefinite (a/an).  The definite article is used when a noun is specific to both the speaker and the hearer.  For example:

    I have the book you asked for.        Definite

In this sentence, the is used because the hearer (“you”) has a specific book in mind (he asked for it) as does the speaker (“I”) (he has it).

The indefinite article is used to refer to any member of a group.  For example:

I have a book for you.                Indefinite

In this sentence, a is used because the noun book is specific to the speaker, but not to the hearer.  The speaker knows the book because he has it, but for the hearer, it could be any book.  

Definite by Context
To complicate matters, a previously nonspecific noun can take the definite article because of context.  For example:
John found a dog.  The dog ran away, though.

In the first sentence, “dog” is not specific to the hearer (you do not know what dog John found—it could be any dog!) so we use a dog.  However, in the second sentence, “dog” becomes specific by context (you and I both know what dog ran away—the one John found in the previous sentence) so we use the dog.

Count vs. Noncount
Another factor which determines what article can be used is the concept of count and noncount nouns.  The indefinite article, a/an, is used with nouns that can be counted.  For example:

    I saw a child.
    Kim ate an orange.

Because both children and oranges can be counted (you can have three children), we use the indefinite article.  Now look at these examples:

    Emily drank the water.
    The dog sat in the shade.

Because both water and shade cannot be counted (you cannot have three waters), we use the definite article.  This chart explains which article should be used with each type of noun.

Type of Noun:    

Count (singular)    Count (plural)    Noncount
Definite    the    the    the
Indefinite    a/an    some/Ø    some/Ø

Be careful of plurals!  As you can see in the chart above, plural count nouns take the same articles as noncount nouns.  For example:

    I saw some children.            Plural Count
    Emily drank some water.        Noncount

Both of these examples are correct—children and water both take the same article, despite the fact that children can be counted and water cannot.

Article Omission
Often times, the article is omitted completely with indefinite plural count nouns.  The nonspecific meaning, however, stays the same.  For example:

    I saw children.                    Indefinite Plural Count
    I saw some children.            Indefinite Plural Count
    I saw the children.               Definite Plural Count

In the first example, I saw children in general (i.e., I saw children instead of adults).  In the second example, the children I saw are still nonspecific, but are less general than those in the first example (i.e., I saw any children).  In the third example, the definite article indicates that I saw specific children (i.e., I saw Linda’s children).

Articles can also be omitted with noncount nouns.  For example:

    Emily drank water.                Indefinite Noncount
    Emily drank some water.        Indefinite Noncount
    Emily drank the water.           Definite Noncount

In the first example, Emily drank water in general (i.e., she drank water instead of coke).  In the second example, the water Emily drank is still nonspecific, but it is less general than the water in the first example (i.e., Emily drank any water).  In the third example, Emily drank specific water (i.e., she drank Ted’s water).

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