Dynamic and Stative Verbs ගතික හා ස්ථායී ක්‍රියා

Some verbs describe action. They are called "dynamic", and can be used with continuous tenses. Other verbs describe state (non-action, a situation). They are called "stative", and cannot normally be used with continuous tenses

ගතික ක්‍රියා සිදුවීමක් හඟවයි.
dynamic verbs (examples):

  • hit, explode, fight, run, go
ස්ථායී ක්‍රියා භාවයක් හෝ යම් තත්වයක් හඟවයි
stative verbs (examples):

  • be
  • like, love, prefer, wish
  • impress, please, surprise
  • hear, see, sound
  • belong to, consist of, contain, include, need
  • appear, resemble, seem

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017