Memory Production @ Intel

The production of computer memory process begins with the creation of a silicon wafer. The wafer is made by pressing liquid silicon crystals into a large thin sheet. After the crystals solidify, the sheet is cut into individual strips based on the type of memory and system. Once the sheet is cut, it is taken through a computer-guided laser system that creates etchings in the board.

These etchings work as the "roadways" for the transistors and capacitors in the memory. The transistors and capacitors store and conduct the flow of electrons (electricity) through the various components. After this process is complete, the physical memory modules are added. Each module is created from a silicon material (similar to the base wafer). The modules are soldered to the board, using a series of copper pins. Once the pins are in place, the memory moves on to final protection and testing.

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017