Packages and interface
  1) What are packages ? what is use of packages ?
Ans :The package statement defines a name space in which classes are stored.If you omit the package, the classes are put into the default package.
Signature... package pkg;

2) What is difference between importing "java.applet.Applet" and "java.applet.*;" ?
Ans :"java.applet.Applet" will import only the class Applet from the package java.applet

Where as "java.applet.*" will import all the classes from java.applet package.

3) What do you understand by package access specifier?
Ans : public: Anything declared as public can be accessed from anywhere
private: Anything declared in the private can’t be seen outside of its class.
default: It is visible to subclasses as well as to other classes in the same package.

4) What is interface? What is use of interface?
Ans : It is similar to class which may contain method’s signature only but not bodies.
Methods declared in interface are abstract methods. We can implement many interfaces on a class which support the multiple inheritance.

5) Is it is necessary to implement all methods in an interface?
Ans : Yes. All the methods have to be implemented.

6) Which is the default access modifier for an interface method?
Ans : public.

7) Can we define a variable in an interface ?and what type it should be ?
Ans : Yes we can define a variable in an interface. They are implicitly final and static.

8) What is difference between interface and an abstract class?
Ans : All the methods declared inside an Interface are abstract. Where as abstract class must have at least one abstract method and others may be concrete or abstract.

In Interface we need not use the keyword abstract for the methods.
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