A cash flow forecast is an essential business document for helping you keep on top of your finances. While the actual performance of a business will likely deviate from the projected cash flow, this is still an important document to have in place as part of managing your business.
cash flow forecast tool:
Is great for planning your business activities and resources
Ensures your business activities are correctly aligned with each other
Supports you in making sensible, realistic decisions for your business
Gives you greater control over your business finances
Allows you to better understand your business performance
Helps you plan for the future.
A cash flow forecast is made up of three key sections:
1. Revenue – money coming in
This section is where you list any money that you have coming in to the business such as product or service sales, equity or other investments and your Start Up Loan. The number of items you include will depend on your business model, but a typical revenue section includes between three and six items.
You add all of these sources together to figure out your total income (A).
2. Expenses – money going out
This section is where you list any of the expenses your business incurs, like your premises rental, staff wages, council tax, supplier costs, marketing and promotional expenses etc. You’ll need to think about costs that do not occur on a regular monthly basis, like V.A.T. which is only payable every quarter.
Don’t forget to include things like your own salary, Start Up Loan repayments, or specialist expenses you are likely to incur. Again, the number of items you include will depend on your business model, but a typical expenditure section can be anywhere from 10 to 20 line items.
You add all of these sources together to figure out your total expenses (B).
3. Net cash flow – the balance
This final section is the difference between your total revenue (A) and your total expenses (B).
e.g. “total income (A) – total expenses (B) = Net cash flow”
If this figure is negative, it means that you are anticipating your expenses will be greater than your revenue in that period;
conversely, if the figure is positive, it means you are anticipating your revenue to be greater than your expenses and to deliver a profit.