Knowledge management

Knowledge management is aimed at capturing the complex and rich human knowledge, store them in a accesible repositories to be used for various needs. Knowledge management is a complex socio-technical system that encompasses various forms of knowledge generation, storage, representation, and sharing. Knowledge sharing activities are generally supported by knowledge management systems. Knowledge management systems enable information and knowledge managers provide their organisations with ‘bottom-up’ social content from within the organisation.


The result is a secure, two-way information exchange whereby information managers play a significant role in creating and maintaining the knowledge repository, while the organisational community as a whole adds value to the content and shares ideas using social media tools. Knowledge management systems provides a ‘single source’ for an organisation’s information and collective knowledge, with data sources including:

  • documents
  • designs
  • drawings
  • blogs
  • images
  • video
  • RSS feeds
  • social media
  • market information

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017