Social Marketing: The application of modern commercial marketing methods to promote practices that benefit both individuals and society at large. In the health sector, it involves such efforts as distributing needed health products, motivating clients to use them, and promoting healthful behavior in ways that improve supply and increase demand. Social marketing uses existing wholesale and retail networks to sell affordable name-brand products and to advertise these brands through culturally appropriate media. In this way, it reaches low-income population groups not being reached by existing health delivery systems and commercial enterprises. Examples of products distributed through social marketing are condoms and other contraceptives, oral rehydration salts, treated mosquito nets, iodized salt, maternal multi-vitamins, and vitamin-enriched staple foods.
Information, Education and Communication (IEC): Communications that provide education and information about health risks, problems, and available services to populations make informed choices about their health practices. IEC includes the use of mass media, individual and group counseling, and traditional communication methods to change health knowledge, attitudes, practices, and behavior.